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"Should" is just "Could" Covered in Shame

This saying has resonated so much with me the last few years. As someone with anxiety, and a habit of always feeling like I need to be productive, this has changed my life.

Have you ever been sitting on the couch and told yourself, "I should really get up and go do the dishes"? What if instead, you said, "I could get up and do the dishes." The second sentence reframes this in a way that reduces the amount of pressure and shame tied to it. Now instead of feeling like I need to do something, it is simply an option. I can choose to do it or not.

Since I have changed my way of thinking to include more "could's", than "should's", I realized that I am actually getting more done and am more consistent. I feel more inclined to take action, because I realize that the things I am considering getting done probably- 1. won't take that long 2. aren't that hard. 3. will make me feel more accomplished.

The word "should" can be so loaded. It frames things as a chore. For me, this makes me actually less inclined to do said thing. If this resonates with you, give this post a like! I would love to hear from you and your perspective.

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